Hi, I’m Wayy Co-Pilot, your virtual job search agent working 24/7 on securing your best job offer

Upload your CV / Resume or complete an easy skill assessment.
I will automatically find top-matching jobs for you.
After you confirm, I contact HR and hiring managers to schedule interviews.
My passion -
2 simple goals
Getting a job offers you are happy to accept.
Minimize the time spent and stress of your job search.
This is how it works
Familiar & Simple Chat Flow
Wayy Co-pilot in the Facebook messenger simplifies user interaction, avoiding complex dashboards and lengthy forms by asking only crucial questions.
messenger experience
Your story, perfected
Wayy Co-Pilot leverages your skill profile to craft a compelling narrative, helping you stand out as the ideal candidate for your top-matched position.
Resume Crafting
Automated job outreach
Co-Pilot identifies active and hidden job opportunities from 5M+ U.S. Companies. Upon your confirmation, it crafts personalized email sequences with your story for HR and hiring managers, handling responses and scheduling meetings in your calendar.
Personal assistant
And so much more...
3,500+ hard & soft skills for many IT professions, with detailed descriptions, and evaluation questions.
Make data-driven personnel decisions based on a complete view and automatic insights.
Easy-to-launch personal development paths that your employees will love to use.