Hi, I’m Wayy, your AI Recruiter, working 24/7 to reach passive candidates for you.

Search millions of profiles or use a saved LinkedIn search.
Automatically send LinkedIn connection requests without manual effort.
Send auto follow-up messages to passive candidates.

I'm passionate about finding candidates you are happy to hire while reducing hiring time and cost.

Automation Tool for LinkedIn
Reach passive candidates without repeating messages
Wayy AI Recruiter automatically sends connection requests and follow-ups to candidates from saved LinkedIn searches.
Automatic messages
Get the maximum from LinkedIn without breaking the limits
Wayy AI Recruiter will carefully follow recommended daily and weekly reach-out limits to maximize your outcome.
Limits management
Generate personalized intros for hundreds with one click
Wayy AI Recruiter analyzes profiles and job descriptions to suggest the best intro message for each candidate.
personalized messages
Get more candidates with automatic template A/B testing
See which message templates bring you the best results with simple and easy-to-use A/B testing.
A/B testing
Leverage your team's LinkedIn accounts without hassle
Send connection requests and messages on behalf of hiring managers and other team members without bothering them.
Multiple accounts
Simple Pricing Plans
For mass or high-volume recruiting
Up to 5,000 contacts per month
All 'Starter' features included
Job postings monitoring
Per month
For individuals and small teams
Up to 1,000 contacts per month
Auto LinkedIn connect requests
Auto LinkedIn follow-ups
No credit card required
Perfect for large teams, with enhanced support, security, and flexibility.
Let's talk!
5,000+ contacts per month
Custom Support
Custom Integrations
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